“Heart treatment is clearly time-critical and not a luxury people can live without. Long waits are dangerous – four in 10 people on the heart care list are waiting more than 18 weeks. This inevitably ...
We are pleased to announce that Dr Rikesh Rajani has been appointed as the first of four group leaders at the BHF-UK DRI Centre for Vascular Dementia Research. The flagship £9 million joint centre is ...
It’s common to feel stressed when a doctor or nurse checks your blood pressure. This feeling of stress can temporarily increase your blood pressure – it’s known as ‘white coat syndrome’. Because of ...
Weight loss injections may lower the risk of having a cardiac arrest, heart attack or stroke, but increase the risk of drug-induced pancreatitis, according to a new study. Over the past few years, ...
Resistance bands are large elastic or fabric bands used for strength training and improving balance, flexibility and mobility in all areas of the body. They can help build muscle, improve physical ...
Around half of people (51 per cent) who live with their partner said the fear of causing harm would make them reluctant to ...
Medically trained research staff play a central role in developing innovations that improve treatments, interventions, diagnosis and prevention strategies for patients. This includes a wide range of ...
Around 6,000 heart attacks in the UK have been avoided in the last decade, researchers estimate, thanks to the introduction of a routine heart scan to investigate chest pain. Coronary computed ...
A Matched Giving scheme is when your employer doubles your fundraising amount. Many employers have a Matched Giving scheme. Find out how it works and what you need to do. Fundraise for BHF Fundraising ...
The Social cooking project aimed to lower the saturated fat and salt intakes of South Asian families attending a place of worship, to reduce levels of cardiovascular disease in this population. The ...
In the UK, someone dies from a heart or circulatory condition every 3 minutes. This Heart Month, we're calling on everyone to help keep hearts beating. No matter how you choose to support British ...