Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th and is thought to be connected to the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia. The holiday's modern traditions are largely attributed to Geoffrey Chaucer, ...
According to one legend, Pope Gelasius wanted to put an end to the debauchery in the late fifth century. He declared Feb. 14 as the feast day of a St. Valentine, who had been martyred about 200 years ...
A saint of the Roman calendar, St. Valentine was a popular man in the days of Emperor ... February events:Sheboygan's ...
While historians have long debated the holiday's origin story, evidence shows it predates the existence of commercial greeting cards by centuries.
Valentine’s Day traces its origins to ancient Rome, where it is believed to have started as Lupercalia, a mid-February ...
Seven men were gunned down in the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in Chicago in 1929, a hit believed ordered by Al Capone in an attempt to wipe out rival George “Bugs” Moran. (Chicago Tribune ...
Sheboygan happenings this month include Galentine's speed dating and 'Essence of Our Labor' showcase for Black History Month.
As couples across the world prepared for Valentine's Day in February 2025, a rumor cropped up on social media that St. Valentine is not only the patron saint of lovers, but also of beekeepers ...
February the Fourteenth has been a day to give love to others in the name of Saint Valentine. But who is he? Is Valentine's a religious holiday…or Pagan all the way? Where did chocolate come in? Who’s ...
“The St. Valentine’s Day massacre was history’s most famous gangland shooting,” said a Province story on Feb. 15, 1968. “Patey’s wall is complete with the machine-gun bullet marks left ...
Valentine's Day has long been celebrated as a day of romance filled with red roses, heart-shaped candies and chocolate boxes.