How all this will affect the processing of tax returns is a matter of speculation, but it seems very unlikely to make the ...
Peggy Schaff asked Public Investigator why she was seemingly double-taxed on a purchase at Menards in West. Here's the ...
The nonprofit College Unbound is seeing early success in helping Philadelphia adults get their diplomas. Plus, Democrats are ...
The justices will hear arguments in a $10 billion lawsuit by the Mexican government that claims gun makers are complicit in ...
With President Trump set to address a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, many voters in Arizona’s divided First ...
Tax processing by the California Franchise Tax Board has not been affected so far by the federal government hiring freeze or ...
Most workers now have the spending limit on their government-issued plastic—rendering it functionally useless.
According to the latest data from the IRS, $102.253 billion has been refunded to taxpayers so far this filing season, which ...
Kaercher says that risks to the filing season could include delayed tax refunds, inability to answer as many phone calls or ...
Utah’s elected leaders, at the local, state and national levels, should be raising holy hell about these moves — those who ...
A payment app or online marketplace is required to send you a Form 1099-K if the payments you received for goods or services total over $5,000.
The Trump administration is tapping several other agencies to help deport and arrest those without legal status — a novel ...