Walgreens was too big to fail entirely–but made too many mistakes and remained in too many dying segments. The Gimlet Eye credits Walgreens for making a good deal with private equity firm Sycamore ...
Moreover, under that negative number was good news and a cleanup on Aisle 5 that Ted ferreted out from the large pile of SEC-filed documents: Sound United, the giant barnacle on the Masimo ship, is ...
Split WBA into three parts or more. Sycamore would keep the US retail side, and sell or spin off the rest.
Ms. Wojcicki, or more exactly the Anne Wojcicki Revocable Trust, is backed in this take-private transaction by New Mountain Capital, with her legal advice from heavyweight law firm Skadden Arps Slate ...
What the telehealth prescribers can’t do, the compounders are. A major drug compounder association, the Outsourcing Facilities Association, along with member North American Custom Laboratories, LLC, ...
A golden bird in the hand for PWN/Everly–and presaging something else for Walgreens? Walgreens has decided to settle with PWN/Everly the latter’s recently upheld near-$1 billion arbitration award for ...
The policy stated by Teladoc, in this letter (Editor’s notes): BetterHelp expressly prohibits therapists from disclosing any member personal or health information to third-party AI. ( Editor’s ...
Telehealth and Telecare Aware posts pointers to a broad range of news items. Authors of those items often use terms 'telecare' and telehealth' in inventive and idiosyncratic ways. Telecare Aware's ...
Here’s a few more inches added to Walgreens’ Mound of Misery. New York State’s Office of the Attorney General found that CityMD, now part of Walgreens’ VillageMD, improperly billed patients for ...