About the University - Université de Genève
4EU+ European University Alliance. L’Alliance Université Européenne 4EU+ regroupe 8 universités européennes engagées à innover ensemble pour l’université du futur, développer des offres de formation conjointes et initier des projets de …
International - International - UNIGE
Welcome Session SP25: 14 February 2025, Uni Dufour . Academic Exchange Office. 24, rue Général-Dufour 1211 Geneva 4; Contact; International Relations & Partnerships
Biochemistry Department - Biochemistry Department - UNIGE
Welcome to the Biochemistry Department Website How are membranes organized and functioning in cells? In our department, we are addressing this question in a comprehensive manner, attacking the problem from many fronts: we are 7 groups with different strategies, model organisms (from yeast, through Dictyostelium, worms, flies, fish and human cells) and methodologies (from chemistry ...
Faculté de médecine - UNIGE
Soutenance de thèse 10.02.2025 14:00 – 17:00 “Role of miR-223-3p in the regulation of megakaryopoiesis, thrombopoiesis, and platelet reactivity” Soutenance de thèse - Life Sciences PhD School Mme Julia Charlon, candidate au Doctorat ès sciences en Sciences de la vie des Facultés de médecine et des sciences, mention Sciences biomédicales.
The Master of Science in Global Health - UNIGE
Duration of studies 4 semesters; Academic calendar; Level of English required Students must be proficient in English. With the exception of students whose mother tongue is English or who have successfully followed at least one year of secondary or tertiary (University level) education in English, all applicants must satisfy one of the following requirements (minimal score):
Register at UNIGE - Université de Genève
If you wish to enroll at the University of Geneva, choose the program that interests you below to learn about applicable conditions and procedures.
Courses - Centre for Continuing and Distance Education - UNIGE
Title Programme type Language Start date Registration deadline; Digital Finance Law (2025)
University of Geneva - Université de Genève
Atelier 04.02.2025 09:00 – 17:00 Atelier REGARD: Se préparer à une leçon d'épreuve. Public Chercheuses avancées (postdoc, MER, etc.) et professeures Description and objectifs Devoir préparer une leçon d’épreuve, c’est le signal que votre dossier de candidature a passé les premières phases de sélection et que votre profil a…
The Geneva Emotion Wheel - Swiss Center For Affective Sciences
The Geneva Emotion Wheel The Geneva Emotion Wheel (GEW) is a theoretically derived and empirically tested instrument to measure emotional reactions to objects, events, and situations.. Format The respondent is asked to indicate the emotion he/she experienced by choosing intensities for a single emotion or a blend of several emotions out of 20 distinct emotion families. The emotion families are ...
S'inscrire - S'inscrire à l'UNIGE - UNIGE - Université de Genève
Je souhaite intégrer l’Université de Genève. Je choisis la formation qui m’intéresse ci-dessous afin de prendre connaissance des conditions et procédures pertinentes.